Metra launches survey to get rider input about current and future service needs

To assist with its evolution toward a regional rail service model – which calls for service throughout the day rather than prioritizing peak morning and evening trains – Metra is launching a survey to ask riders about their current and future needs.

In Metra’s 2023-27 Strategic Plan, My Metra, Our Future, Metra adopted a vision statement in which it aspires to provide regional rail service. Metra has already taken small steps toward that vision, with schedule enhancements on most of its lines that offer more off-peak service.

The Systemwide Network Plan is now studying changes that can be made on each rail line by adjusting train schedules and building new infrastructure. The plan will guide Metra operations and capital investments over the next two decades. As part of this study, Metra wants to hear from its riders to understand more about how they use Metra now and how that may change in the future so it can better respond to changing travel patterns and preferences.

The survey is now closed.

In addition, a virtual public meeting was held to discuss the Systemwide Network Plan in more detail. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

Metra anticipates another round of public outreach in early 2025 to give the public and key stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on proposed service concepts. Stay tuned to this page for more details.