The Metra Board of Directors today approved a $8.69 million contract to renovate the 115th Street/Morgan Park Station on the Rock Island Line.
Work is expected to begin later this year at the station to replace the existing platform shelters, create a new plaza and sidewalks, and address stormwater management needs. The project will also include resurfacing the station’s two parking areas and new lighting.
IHC Construction Companies LLC of Elgin was awarded the contract after submitting the lowest responsive and responsible bid for the work. Metra has set a goal for the project to expend 25% of the contract total using Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE) firms. IHC has committed to meeting this goal by using the following subcontractors: Araiza Corporation, Brandenburger Plumbing, Inc., EOS Mechanical, Inc., Pinto Construction Group, Inc., and Sanchez Paving Company.