Citizens Advisory Board Member
Ms. Taylor is a transit operations professional with 26 years of experience in rail operations, starting as a Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) conductor in 1986, and eight years in consulting.
A Chicago native, she worked her way through the ranks at the CTA, absorbing as much knowledge as possible, finishing her career there as General Manager of Rail Operations. Her other roles included General Manager Rail Operations (assigned to Brown/Green/Orange Elevated Lines), Senior Manager Construction Projects, Transportation Manager, Rail Supervisor, Yardmaster, Switchman, Flagman, and Customer Service.
After retiring from the CTA in 2012, she volunteered at O’Hare International Airport from 2013 to 2015 as a Customer Service Travel Aide, assisting customers in navigating around the airport, providing local directions for Chicago destinations, and directing travelers with basic needs to the proper resources.
In 2015 she joined Legacy Rail Operations, a leading rail operations consultant, as a consultant, and after two years with the company was promoted to her current position as Vice President, Capitol Projects.
As a rail transit professional, she accepted the challenges of providing the best possible service to customers, even during impactful infrastructure challenges, by developing safe operational strategies and consistently training personnel to adapt to the new normal that must accommodate both internal and external customers.