Performance Measures

Performance measures on this page are published monthly in accordance with Illinois Public Act 103-0281




Use the Report Month drop-down filter located at the top left of the tables above to change the month for which to show Service Data.    

To open the above tables in full-screen mode, click the diagonal bidirectional arrow at the bottom right of the report.

Safety & Security 

MetricJan 2024Feb 2024Mar 2024Apr 2024May 2024Jun 2024Jul 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Nov 2024Dec 2024
Safety Incidents (Federally Reportable)*746373355440
Grade Crossing Enforcement Details**--350112025607
Police Officer Train Rides**--92843062221470120117124
Police Officer Station Checks**--2,4862,7442,9663,0063,2132,8663,5253,6903,7203,439

*Includes events that meet the National Transit Database S&S-40 and S&S-50 reporting thresholds and criteria. Such events include non-physical and physical worker assaults and railway suicides.

**Some metrics are unavailable prior to March 2024 due to implementation of a new data system

On-Train Employee 

The following metrics represent only on-train employees who work directly for Metra.

MetricJan 2024Feb 2024Mar 2024Apr 2024May 2024Jun 2024Jul 2024Aug 2024Sep 2024Oct 2024Nov 2024Dec 2024
Employees Required to Operate Service440440440440440440440444431431440440
Currently Available Employees477477474486479478473470484487483478
Newly Hired Employees030905049800
Departed Employees343335744425
Employees in Training21212426101924232825179
Absenteeism Rate11.9%11.7%12.7%12.1%12.5%11.7%13.3%12.8%12.4%13.6%13.5%11.1%


Employees Required to Operate Service - Count of on-train employees needed to run daily Metra service
Currently Available Employees - Count of hired on-train employees that are not on long term leave or otherwise unable to act in an on-train role
Newly Hired Employees - Count of on-train employees who graduated training
Departed Employees - Count of on-train employees who retired or left Metra
Employees in Training - Count of on-train employees enrolled in training
Absenteeism Rate - Rate of currently available on-train employees taking unscheduled time off

Public Input 

Metra seeks your input and ideas related to the data presented above. We encourage transit riders, businesses, and other stakeholders to let us know what you would like to see on this page.

Basic Contact Form