Accessibility at Metra

A Metra conductor deploys a lift so a rider using a wheelchair can board a train

Making transit accessible for everyone is an essential part of our mission. All 11 train lines in the Metra system are fully accessible to customers with disabilities in compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Metra has modified railcars and made accessible most of its busiest train stations to accommodate individuals with hearing, vision and mobility disabilities. Train service for customers with disabilities spans all six counties in metropolitan Chicago. Individuals with disabilities may request a reasonable modification of Metra policies, practices, and procedures in order to accommodate a disability.

Metra Rider's Guide for Customers with Disabilities

Metra Stations Guide for Visually Impaired

This document has been created specifically for Metra customers who are blind or visually impaired.  It has been written to include helpful wayfinding and navigational information. Download the guide for the visually impaired here.  This document is also produced in braille. You can request a braille copy by contacting Metra’s Accessibility Project Manager, Lindsay Robinson at 312-322-6766 or at

Service Animals

Service animals are permitted on the Metra system and are welcome on any open car.

Station Accessibility and Maps

Metra currently has 186 fully accessible stations, 13 partially accessible stations and 44 inaccessible stations. Customers who use wheelchairs at partially accessible stations will be able to access train platforms from the street. However, ramps, ticket windows, buildings and shelters may not fully conform to ADA guidelines. These stations are designated as partially accessible so as not to deter customers from facilities which may be usable. View station accessibility designations here.

Access Maps for Customers with Disabilities:

Railcar Accessibility

The railcars on the Metra Electric Line are equipped with roll-on bridge plates that cover the gap between the vestibule and the high-level platforms.

The rest of the Metra system is operated by diesel locomotives.The diesel-powered lines have at least one lift-equipped car per train to provide access from low-level platforms. Each accessible car can be identified with the international "access" symbol. Non-downtown platforms have an accessible boarding area or areas where the lift-equipped train car will stop for boarding. Each accessible car has three wheelchair areas for customers who prefer to remain in their chairs. Customers can also transfer to standard seats.

Elevator Sites

Elevator sites in the Metra system can be viewed here.

RTA Travel Training Program

The RTA offers travel training to customers with disabilities  who want to learn about riding the region's public transportation system. Click here to learn more about the RTA travel training program.

Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Requests

Effective July 13, 2015, the Federal Department of Transportation revised the rules under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Learn more about Reasonable Accommodation/Modification Requests.

ADA Complaint Form

Metra is committed to ensuring our implementation of public transportation services is fully compliant with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Any person who believes there may be either a: 1) ACCESSIBILITY (e.g., physical barriers) or 2) DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DISABILITY issue may use this form to register their complaint. When submitted, this complaint will go directly to Metra’s Accessibility Project Manager for review and response.

To submit an ADA complaint via USPS, send complaint in whatever form to:

Lindsay Robinson
ADA Project Manager
547 W. Jackson Blvd 
Chicago, IL 60661, 10th floor E

ADA Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to provide Metra with recommendations on Metra's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), facilitate a dialogue between Metra and the disability community, and increase the use of Metra's services by people with disabilities. Click here to read more about the ADA Advisory Committee.

2025 ADA Advisory Committee Members

  • Kelsey Thompson, Chair
  • Phyllis Hampton, Vice Chair
  • Maureen Schultz
  • William Shapotkin
  • Jemal Powell
  • Dennis Deany
  • Kristen Scotti

2025 ADA Advisory Committee Meeting Dates

Meetings are from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the 10th floor TRACC Center at 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Illinois.

  • Tuesday Feb. 4
  • Tuesday, May 6
  • Tuesday, August 5
  • Tuesday, Nov. 4

Individuals wishing to attend any of these meetings and needing accommodations should contact Lindsay Robinson at least seven days prior to the meeting date. She can be reached at 312-322-6766 or at

P-8 Service

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, commuter rail systems are not required to operate complementary paratransit service. Accordingly, Metra does not operate such a system. However, Metra does provide what is called P-8 service (short for paragraph 8 of the Jones II Consent Decree).

P-8 is a shuttle service from a qualified origin to the next accessible station. Metra provides the service at no charge to the passenger and does not require certification of disability status. Reservations may be made any time the day before the ride is needed or with as little as three hours’ notice when necessary.

If someone who ordinarily rides from a non-accessible station were to break a leg, for example, he or she could use the service during recuperation without going through a formal certification process.

P-8 connections are guaranteed – that is, if you miss the train because the ride is late, and another train is not available right away, the driver will take you to your destination station. In the unusual event the train is late, the driver will wait until it arrives.

What are the Rules for P-8?

There are some rules governing the use of P-8 service. To qualify for the service:

  • The origin or destination must be within ½-mile of a non-accessible Metra station. This is called the qualifying station.
  • Travel is allowed only to or from the next accessible station of the same line.
  • If an accessible bus or train operated within ½-mile of qualifying station to or from the next accessible Metra station, the trip is not eligible.

P-8 service exists temporarily and only to provide transportation for persons with disabilities to the next accessible station. It is not a paratransit service. Those who need paratransit should contact the RTA at (312) 663-HELP.

As Metra stations, Pace and CTA buses, and CTA stations become accessible, fewer P-8 trips will be eligible.

Please see the following for examples at the time of writing. For the most current information, please contact Metra Passenger Services at 312-MY-METRA (312-696-3872). P-8 service is provided by SCR Transportation and can be ordered by calling 708-953-3511.

Examples of Eligible & Non-Eligible Trips

  • Most trips within the city of Chicago are not eligible since all of Chicago is within ½-mile of an accessible bus line most of the time. There are, however, limited exceptions.
    • For example, because the accessible #1 Indiana) bus does not operate weekday evenings after the rush hour, or on weekends, P-8 service is eligible on parts of the Metra Electric Line to McCormick Place Station during those periods.
  • Trips from Main Street Station in Evanston to Rogers Park Station are eligible because CTA buses do not go to Metra’s Rogers Park Station. Trips to Central Street Station from Main Street Station are eligible only between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. since a CTA bus operates during the day.
  • Trips from Oak Park Station are not eligible since CTA's Green Line runs downtown.

If the elevator at an accessible Metra station is temporarily out of order, P-8 service will be provided to the next accessible station during this period. Signs at the elevator site will have detailed information including P-8 service numbers.